Using the Power of Your Voice to Heal, Manifest & Ascend to 5D
Over 3 Hours of Recordings from the Course

Course Overview:
In this course Daniel Scranton and I both taught and provided practical exercises on how you can use your voice to heal, manifest & ascend to the 5th dimension. Daniel was my voice client from 2011-13, and is now an internationally renowned channel and sound healer. We had an amazing time teaming up to share as much of our knowledge as possible with you in this course!
What’s Included:
Daniel and I have both experienced the power of toning, mantra and light language in our own creation process. We can both say that the use of sound and tones has without a doubt brought us more of what we want to experience in our lives.
In week 1, we explored how you can use the power of your voice to heal your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies. We covered how tones and sounds can work directly with your cells, chakras, DNA and organs to create the body of your dreams – healthy, youthful, and full of vitality. We offered practical tips and exercises to heal yourself and others with nothing but the power of sound as generated by you.
In week 2, we taught the class about manifesting/creating your reality using the power of tones and sounds. There’s no limit to what you can create now that we’re in the fourth dimension (and we landed here on Dec. 21st 2012, btw). We are both a testament to that, never having dreamed of the magical lives we’ve both created by using this power that is untapped by so many. We demonstrated how to use the power of overtones and singing. These are powers we all possess, but not many of us are using.
In week 3, Daniel and I taught the class how to use mantras, light language, affirmations, and self-talk to raise our vibration and ascend to the fifth dimension. Mantras must be felt, in addition to being spoken, and we shared mantras we’ve worked with that we know to be incredibly effective. We also shared about light language ~ the universal language for all beings in this universe, and as such, so powerful. And of course, we covered affirmations because the way we talk to ourselves can shift our vibration immensely. We also touched on sacred geometry, and how to use all of these gifts to raise our vibration and ascend.
You’ll receive all of this and more from these over three hours of recordings.
Enjoy! (In Joy!)
Wishing You Love and BlesSINGS,
Daniel and Kimberly
For those who would like more context on how Daniel and I met and worked together, here you go…!
He looked like Jim Carey…
And we were alone…
Scene: A winter’s night near solstice in my Santa Monica voice studio
Action: In walks Daniel, a handsome Jim Carey type. He’s my last appointment of the day. We’re alone in the building.
Daniel tells me he’s been learning to channel, and that he keeps saying ‘sing and ring’ repeatedly whenever he does. “I think it means I need to sing to help with my channeling,” he says. “It’s also kind of crazy what happens to my body when I channel, and how fast I can speak. Do you want me to show you?“
“Yes, I do want to see.”
I could tell he was nervous. I smiled supportively as he centered himself and went into his channeling state. His body began gyrating, his head spinning back and forth, and indeed, he did was saying ‘sing and ring’ way faster than I could believe.
We became such friends that it’s funny to think of now, but I remember wondering if I should worry that we were alone.
I did a quick gut check and realized that not only did I feel incredibly safe, but I was intrigued by what was happening. This was my first experience working with a channel. It felt exciting and honestly like a cosmic appointment.
Intuitively I knew that the unusual movements and sounds were due to energy moving in Daniel’s body, and I needed to encourage them. I also knew that our society has such uptight stigmas and lack of understanding around such things that it would be important to offer a very safe haven to nurture Daniel’s burgeoning skills.
From 2011-2013, Daniel and I worked together almost every week. We had a blast exploring singing, toning, color, light, and sound. I taught him the basics of singing, and then we expanded into other vocal explorations. We sounded at the top of our lungs, surrounded ourselves with geometries and colors, drew with sound ~ all sorts of wild and wonderful explorations.
Daniel has since become a renowned channel, working with Bashar among many others. We’ve both come a long way since those early days when we were discovering the spiritual importance of sound.
And… I’m so excited we offered this series together!